My First Liebster Award!!


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Jen for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I was shocked to see I was nominated and very appreciative. Yall gotta check out The Avon Insider’s blog. She posts fantastic beauty reviews and is consistent with her blog….Go check it out (The Avon Insider)

The Rules

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
  3. Write 5 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 5 bloggers (they should have less than 3000 followers)
  5. Answer 5 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 5 questions.

5 Blog Nominees 

Journey To A Healthy Me

Cat Eyes Red Lips

Asmi’s Style Diaries

Paige Helen

Lacey Jade

5 Random Facts About Myself:

1. I have an identical twin. She’s my best friend and we do almost everything together.


2. I enjoy watching YouTube videos for hours and hours. Instead of watching TV, I watch YouTube videos about beauty, fitness, and hair care. I know, I know still not a good alternative to watching TV, but it’s fun to me.

3. I have a yorkie/daschund mixed dog. She’s my little baby.

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4. I love learning about fitness and getting new ideas for healthy foods. Follow me on PumpUp at SoSweet_Ash for more ideas and motivation for a healthier lifestyle. PumpUp is just like Instagram, but focused around being healthy. I love being surrounded by like-minded individuals on there.

5. My favorite cuisine is Italian…full of carbs. That is why I have to be committed to this healthy lifestyle haha. The struggle be real sometimes.

5 Questions My Nominator Asked Me:

1. Why did you start this blog?

I always shared my passions (thrifting, beauty, diy) to my co-workers and friends. One day, one of my friends said I should start a blog. It dawned on me that that was an awesome idea. I love sharing ideas and posting on Instagram and Facebook…so blogging became natural for me.

2. What are your goals for 2015?

My goals for 2015 is to get more involved in church. I’m involved with other organizations and at work, so why can’t I be more involved in something that matters more than anything? I also want to do everything possible to get promoted at work. Working hard, aggressively expressing my goals to HR, and meeting/connecting with the higher ups are my goals to achieve this.

3. What makes you smile?

A lot of things make me smile…that’s why I have permanent smile lines lol. But My yorkie, hanging out with my friends/family, eating, volunteering, jam sessions in the car with my sister, thrifting….and the list goes on and on…

4. What is your favorite post that you’ve written?

My favorite posts are my #DallasGoodEats posts. Did I mention I love eating??? I’m a true fat girl at heart and love exploring good food in my city.

5. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

One person I would like to meet is Oprah. I would like to pick her brain. She is a strong, successful lady. I would like to learn and grow to be like that.

5 Questions for my nominees:

1. Why did you start your blog?

2. What are your 2015 New Years Resolutions?

3. What other hobbies do you enjoy doing?

4. What is your guilty pleasure?

5. What is one thing you cannot live without?

Again thank you The Avon Insider for this award!

4 thoughts on “My First Liebster Award!!”

  1. Great answers, your comment about the jam session made me think about how my sisters and I would get into a session in the car and we would get so deep in it until whoever driving would have to pull over so we could finished it lol. Your post took me back to a wonderful moment in my life with my sisters, thank you 🙂

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